Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's been a while...

That's what he said. .. haha jk :)

Anywho, it has been a while since I sat down to write on my blog. Woops!.. I wonder where my time goes?

I have absolutely no idea where my time goes. In the month of December I have been to 2 holiday parties (to include my company event which = AWESOMEEEE) & I suppose I've been going out a lot-- every Friday and Saturday to be exact and spending my Sundays recouperating & watching the Steelers.

I've spent WAYY too much money recently. What makes me think this is okay? I don't know but it's happening. Still. I've bought some awesome presents for my lovies and some awesome stuff for myself as well. haha I have one more thing to pick up for Daddy sometime this week and a few things coming in the mail so I'm about to get busy wrapping!

I have been attending Body Bootcamp for over a month now and I'm really starting to feel better about myself. I haven't been paying attention to weight because I don't really think that's what's important. The body image is my biggest problem. and I love the workouts a ton but the 5am wakeup is really hard sometimes. & to make things even better I started Triathlon training yesterday!! The Iron Girl is only 6 months away!! --so I got my swim on at Chattahoochee Scuba after work yesterday. I did the distance + some, now I just need to focus on speed and strength. --I should probably schedule that out, huh?

okay, i feel better with that off my chest. but MAN I'm really behind. I just ordered my Christmas cards last night so my family and friends might be extending their holiday cheer into 2011 when they finally receive my card. hahah Who cares about timing, it's the thought that counts right? haha

aren't we just the cutest?
.. & tons of thanks goes out to my great friends Nate & Jenny for taking our pics on a freezing December day!!

Okay, back to work for meeeee.

--I've kinda missed this little blog :)


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