Ewww Mondays. For real, I thought Mondays were super crappy before-- but add in this fabulous new 5:30am BODY BOOTCAMP I've signed up for and Mondays are officially * THAT MUCH SHITTIER * -- I don't do mornings. Never have and had never planned on being a morning person but last week while working on a Habitat house for my company, one of my co-workers sold me on it. & i'm sayin, she must be a heckkkk of a saleswoman because I hate the AM hours.
& a workout at that? I've got to learn her strategy. Because you've got to be an A+ sales person to get me to lose 2.5 hours of very valuable sleep every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
I've done it twice now, started last Friday and was there again this morning and to be honest, it's really not that bad.. but by 9:30 I am dragggggging at work.
--My whole body hurts. Bad. and I'm hungry. But the good news is the day is half over and I've already done a whole hour of exercise. Hmm, I guess in retrospect it doesn't sound {quite so baddd}. & It's a good price too. $3/session -- wow. I love cheap things.
Tonight is our STEELERS Partayyy :) so hopefully I can steal a quick nap before it's time for peeps to come over. But probably not.
The Bengals are goin down!!!.. Again. Because they suck. and also because the Steelers are awesome. The End.
P.S. I really do plan on UPDATING with Halloween pics! We just got a router back in our house so I don't have to sit on the floor anymore to use the internet. haha. GNOME photos are amazing.
Hope ya'll have a great week!!
Yins gawna have some pop? yins goin downtown to southside after the game's over?
ReplyDeletePolamolu, Crosby, Malkin, Rothlesburger.
Thats pretty much all my knowledge of Pittsburgh right there. That, and that they will beat the Bengals.
How 'bout those Steelers!? Woo hoo! TITLE TOWN baby :) & yes, I love POP & the Southside of Pitt is beautiful and has the best shopping in the whole city. & Polamolu is the shiiiit.