Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Things & Weekend Work

Slowly but surely I plan to decide on a theme for this blog. For the year I've been writing it (6 months if you discount that tinyyyy sabatical) it's basically just been a random jumble of thoughts-- and that's most likely what it's going to stay. :)  I don't really "specialize" in anything cool that people would actually want to hear about. [you need resume advice? HR advice? interview advice? -- I'm your gal] But my twitter does all those things, so why focus all my energy on that?

Anywho, last week I mentioned my NEW JOB! I am now a College Recruiter! Wooo hoo! I've been working in this capacity for almost a year, but I've only formally had the title for about 6 months. Yesterday I had the pleasure of working at Wofford College, interviewing their students. It was about a 4 hour drive from home, but it was worth it! Such strong, smart kids!

Luckily for me, my amazing fiance was able to make this trip with me. So I decided to make a teeny pitstop on the way to Wofford to add Clemson's Death Valley to this list of footbal stadiums he's visited. MEGA Bonus points for me!

AB's Droid photo from the car...

So here I am, back at my lovely little desk. Trying to get into the week's work.OBV that isn't working too well yet, since all I've done so far is drink coffee, read email and blog. woops :)

Okay, time to be productive!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Holy Sabbatical.

Wow. I think a 6 month break is a bit much, huh? - but the good news is, I'M BACK!

I wanted to let my bloggy friends know that I am alive & well & I've been secretly stalking all of you weekly while I was gone.

But I'm finally ready to commit to the wonderful world of blogging again! I had a very rough patch there for the first quarter of 2011 but every quarter since then has been absolutely amazing and everything I'd needed to turn my life around.

Let me start with a BRIEF Synopsis of what I've been up to:
  1. Ummm. I got ENGAGED?! What! Yes. It's true. God is good.
  2. I got a NEW JOB! woot-woot! & Now I travel 70% of the time-- adding to part of the reason I've been blog-crappy for so long
  3. I bought a HOUSE! holy patooties. I close in15 days.

All these things that I should have been doing over a span of like 5 years happened in the last 6 months. Hmm. :)

Everything that royally sucked ass at the beginning of 2011 is now over and behind me. My life is wonderful now and has a purpose and a plan. And I think I'm ready to share it with you again...

I hope you'll come back to me-- I've missed you all. <3