Friday, October 29, 2010

Doggy-Bee & some Garden Gnomes

Wow this month has absolutely flown by! I guess I can thank budget season at work for the speediness of the workweeks.. but in all seriousness it is October 29th and the only thing in my household with a solid costume is my dog!

She got all dressed up this morning to go to a costume party at Doggy Daycare today:
get that ear in the hoodie, mom

momma has some crazy hair, but hey it's 7am!

waiting patiently in the car!

The wings I have on are just for work.. My friend and I plan on dressing up as cute garden gnomes this weekend. we just have to go to the store and buy the stuff first. Procrastinators? YES.. woops. 

Last night I celebrated Thirsty Thursday with lots of beers at Buffalo Wild Wings. I LOVE THEIR FRENCH FRIES-- with a passion.

& Tomorrow we're having people over to "pregame" the Halloween Festivities and cab it down town from our place (since we live closest to downtown = cheapest cabfare) I suppose that means tonight I'll be cleaning my entire house because I don't really want people to see that Alan & I live like slobs extremely busy people. haha.

Anyone else have fun plans for Halloween? I must admit, our plans came together at BWW last night.. nothing we've really been "planning" for. :)

Happy Friday everyone!! Beers to be had in T-minus 5 hours & 10 minutes..

p.s. Gnome photos to follow, soon!


Monday, October 18, 2010

1600 miles in 2 days

Wow did I really just do that? Yes. I did. The BF and I made a 1600 mile round trip journey last weekend!  We needed to go to Maryland to pick up his new car and didn't want to take time off work to do it, so we flew to Baltimore Saturday morning (5am wake up-- YUCKKK) then drove an hour to his parent's home. Then hung out for like 5 hours (maybe) then hopped in his new car and started our trek back to southwest Georgia.

Our little adventure started at 5am Saturday with an EXTREMELY early wake up. We rushed to get ready, stuck the dog in the back seat & then dropped her off at daycare, drove an hour to Atlanta and were there right when our plane was boarding! (We probably should have set the alarm for 4:30 haha) Took an hour and a half nap on the plane, and greeted Alan's super happy parents outside of BWI airport.. & all of this was before 11 am! whew, I'm exhausted just re-thinking all this!

Anywhoo, we left to drive back to GA on Saturday night.. and lo-and-behold but right at the point where the BF and I were both too exhaused to drive, we happened to be in the midst of EVERY COLLEGE'S PARENT'S WEEKEND!!! It was freakin VMI's parent's weekend, some stupid little other college's parent's weekend and then of course it was Virginia Tech's HOMECOMING. It took us 2 hours of calling and continued driving to find a place to sleep!!

The good news is:  we got 2 hours farther than we anticipated driving that night.
The bad news is: we had to sleep in a $60 Econolodge (smoking!!) room. ew. ew. ew. ew. ew.

Then all was well with Sunday even though it took us 11 hours to make a 8 hour trip.. [Hey, when the Outlet Malls call, you MUST stop!] and we safely arrived in our new car back in Georgia.

So that's the story of my jam-packed weekend of travel!

p.s. I cut my hair and learned how to do something different with it!!-- finally, after 23 years of the same ol' thing..

Anyone else do anything rediculous this weekend? I'd love to hear!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Little Furry Lion

So in my last post [which was wayy too long ago!] I said I would update with pictures of Lucy's new haircut-- which is STILL awesome!! So here it is!!  && I welcome comments!

Lucy, Pre-haircut

Lucy post-haircut, enjoying her time in the windowsil

we call these her "boots with the furrr"

two of the loves of my life

i love her little wrinkles

sweet girl!
So there she is :) The first time I saw this haircut I laughed so hard! Everytime I look at her it makes me smile and I hope these pictures can make you smile too!

In other news::

Tomorrow I'm going to the Braves playoff game in Atlanta!

 I'm pretty excited. Party begins at 11am... Drunk at 11:30! Updates to come!!
